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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1556
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .7109
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 9،
issue Number 91
Stylistics of the poems of Adib al-Mamalek Farahani
Heshmat Gheisari (Author in Charge)
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Adib al-Mamalek Farahani is one of the great poets of the constitutional period, whose poems have not been studied from the point of view of stylistics. The purpose of this article is to examine the stylistic characteristics of 50 selected poems from Farahani"s Diwan Adib al-Mamalek, in which the stylistic characteristics of the poems are examined on three levels: linguistic, literary, and intellectual, so that readers can get to know more about the poetic structure and literary personality of this poet.
METHODOLOGY: In this research, based on library studies and data collection and using descriptive analytical method, a detailed analysis of the stylistics of 50 selected poems of Adib al-Mamalek in three linguistic, literary, and intellectual fields has been done.
FINDINGS: One of the language features in the poems of Adib al-Mamalek is that puns play the greatest role in creating inner music. Simple verbs are many times compound verbs and prefixes. The use of old words and terms and verbs, as well as the use of Arabic words and compounds, have a very high frequency. In the rhetorical domain, the most frequent are current allusions, metaphorical metaphors, and compound similes, and historical allusions, followed by religious allusions and observances, are the most frequent among creative arts.
CONCLUSION: The high frequency of Arabic words and compounds shows the mastery and skill of the poet in using authentic Arabic texts and divans of Arab poets of the Jahilit period, as well as her surroundings with Arab proverbs and others. The frequency of simple verbs compared to compound verbs shows that the poet has used more simple verbs to express her inner thoughts and emotions. And the high frequency of old words and terms also shows the great connection of the poet to the Khorasani style. The biggest theme in the poet"s poems is patriotism and raising people"s awareness, and after that religious themes and educational and moral issues can be seen a lot in her poems.
, poetry
, Adib al-Mamalek Farahani
, Qaside
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